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10 enemies of productivity

10 enemies of productivity

The path to the goal may be less thorny if you're not going to sabotage his own work bad habits. Here is a list of 10 habits, which must be immediately abandoned.

1. Surfing the Internet

Since most at work have access to the Internet, it is very easy to get distracted from the main cases on the search for the answer to a random question that has just occurred in your head. Better to record these thoughts and questions in a notebook. You will be able to seek the necessary information after you've finished your business.

2. Internal relief

Whether it's a new diet, a set of exercises or work schedule, one of the most difficult aspects of forming new habits is the desire to circumvent the rules as an incentive for their short-term implementation. Internal relief is the idea that we "deserve" an expensive dinner after a week of saving. It undermines the plans of many people with self-improvement.
Instead, try to make your target part of the character that you saw herself as someone who carefully spends money, or regularly engaged in sports, and not to those who goes against their own desires to achieve something new.

3. Wrong prioritization

People often start my day by doing simple jobs to get in the rhythm of work and leave the hard work at a later time. It's a bad idea, and following it often leads to the fact that the important task is not executed.
According to researchers, the stock of willpower is limited in humans, and it cuts to the end of the day. So the first thing is better to take on the most complex and important matters.

4. Wasting time during meetings

Nothing breaks the rhythm of work, as an unnecessary meeting. Thanks to such tools as email, instant messaging and video chats, you can conduct personal meetings only in case of special importance and necessity.
BlueGrace Logistics founder Bobby Harris recommends that you do not agree to meet if offering it was not a clear list of questions and do not specify exactly how much time it will take the conversation. And even in this case, Harris advises to allocate only half the time originally requested.

5. Multitasking

Although many people believe that doing a great job with two things at once, scientific research has revealed that only 2% of people can effectively multitask. For others, multitasking is a bad habit that is distracting and lowers productivity.

6. "Five more minutes sleep and get up"

You may feel that the delay of rise for ten minutes allows you to relax a bit before starting the day, but in fact it does more harm than good. This is because the first awakening of the endocrine system begins to produce hormones of vitality, which help you to prepare for the day ahead. Going back to sleep, you slow down the process. In addition to these a few minutes is not enough for the brain is plunged in deep sleep, which is necessary for him to regain strength.

7. The desire to sit on two chairs

For people completely natural to insure against failures, coming up with different options and pursuing multiple goals simultaneously. Imagine a man who for five years working in marketing, but just in case, preparing for the training to be a lawyer. This kind of indecision can severely degrade performance.

8. Excessive planning

Many ambitious and organized people try to bring their performance to the maximum, carefully planning each hour of your day. Unfortunately, things don't always go according to plan, and the child's illness or unexpected problem could upset all day. Instead, it is better to plan 4 or 5 hours of hard work each day to in the remaining time it was possible to maintain flexibility to solve other tasks.

9. Insufficient planning

You need to spend time to develop a strategy before you start work to achieve any long term goals. Attempts to plan the final stage in the middle of the process of working on a project can lead to the loss of a huge amount of time and frustration. Harvard lecturer Professor Robert Pozen recommends that you first determine the desired end result and then devise a plan of action. Having done half way, it is possible to perform the work, to ensure that everything goes right, and if necessary make changes to the process.

10. Phone under the pillow

The screens of smartphones, tablets and laptops emit the blue light, which, according to studies, can impair vision and reduce the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep cycles. Research also suggests that people with low melatonin production are more prone to depression.

You can also read other articles on the work.

Категория: Мотивация и успех | Просмотров: 306 | Добавил: dimamgn | Теги: Bobby Harris, multitasking, Relief, the objectives of the task, group goal, BlueGrace Logistics, planning week, melatonin, priorities, a goal | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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